Ready to organize?
We’re ready to help.

A graphic of Sabotabby or Sabocat, an IWW symbol for industrial sabotage as direct action to put pressure on management to agree to worker demands. It depicts a skinny black cat standing inside a circle, its back raised and its tail fluffed, hissing.

Houston is gentrifying. The costs of housing, utilities, and food are rising while wages stagnate, losing dollar after dollar’s worth of value to inflation. COVID-19 continues to destroy lives while governments pretend everything is back to normal. Meanwhile, bosses demand infinite productivity, pushing us past our limits while cutting safety measures and jobs so shareholders can enjoy record profits.

Workers have never gotten the full value of our labor, but the exploitation we endure and the impossible choices we face haven’t been this bald-faced in decades. Something has to change.

You and your coworkers are that change.

Every worker and workplace is different. Some people need more pay. Some, more benefits. Others, more respect. Many need all three.

That’s why the IWW’s organizing model is flexible. We don’t tell you to follow the same steps as everyone else. Instead, we ask you and your coworkers what you want to fight for, and we help you win it. Other unions take control of the process. With the IWW, you and your coworkers are in control. We support you, however you need, every step of the way. So contact us today, and let’s organize together.

Because together, we have power. Together, we can demand more.

Together, we’re stronger than the bosses.