Committees of the Houston General Membership Branch

Committees drive the actions and priorities of our branch. The work done by our committees demonstrates our members’ dedication to the working people of Houston and building a solidarity union in the 4th most populous city in the United States.


Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is the beating heart of our branch. When workers reach out to us, it’s often a member of this committee who responds and gets them connected to a delegate. The Membership Committee works to ensure that all of our members are able to access the resources they need from the branch and have the support in their efforts to organize and to be active members of our branch.

Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee enables the core organizing work of our branch. Our Organizing Department Liaison is assisted by this committee to receive organizing leads, contact people who ask us about organizing their workplace, find trained organizers from our branch to support new organizing campaigns in the Houston area, provide organizer training to members interested in supporting campaigns, and more.

Anti-Oppression Committee

The Anti-Oppression Committee helps to make sure that our bylaws and practices as a branch are inclusive and supportive of all of our members & potential members. The Anti-Oppression Committee is also involved in the process of resolving any instances of discrimination within the branch.

Communications & Outreach Committee

The Communications & Outreach Committee manages our social media accounts, website, creates the graphics posted and develops our strategies to reach out to workers and mutual aid organizations in the Houston area.

Education Committee

The Education Committee collects, distributes and creates materials related to training our members, communities and workers in the Houston area on the struggles facing the working class, the importance of unionism in overcoming those struggles and how to organize. Members of this committee organize and given training seminars on various aspects of organizing and solidarity unionism.

Incarcerated Workers Solidarity Committee

The Incarcerated Workers Solidarity Committee is in communication with incarcerated workers in the Houston/Gulf Coast area and works outside of prisons to aid in the efforts of those incarcerated workers to organize against the brutal and inhumane conditions they face on a daily basis. The committee also helps distribute information about the working & living conditions inside Texas prisons. This committee works closely with the IWW’s Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee program.